

Overview of TFTC designations

The TFTC provides a body for coordinating joint multilateral actions among its members.  Often, this takes the form of joint multilateral designations aimed at disrupting financial flows to terrorist networks and individuals.  The TFTC is a collaborative body -- actions taken under the name of the TFTC are done through consensus and are based upon and enacted using the domestic authorities of TFTC member states.  

Since the TFTC’s inception, member states have issued six rounds of coordinated designations, sanctioning a total of 82 individuals and entities, including targets related to Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula, ISIS (Daesh), the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Qods Force, and Hizballah.  While the TFTC does not maintain and cannot enforce a sanctions list of its own, the press releases of TFTC members, based on their own domestic authorities, are provided on this page.